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About PLP
The Professional Liability Program is a program of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario created in the 1970s to administer malpractice protection for Ontario dentists.
PLP Protection
Assistance through the Professional Liability Program is available to members and former members of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario (RCDSO) who were registered at the time of the events giving rise to a claim.
Risk Management
The Professional Liability Program's service to its members goes beyond resolving patient claims and extends to providing one-on-one and group risk management advice.
Use our guided Liability Assistance Tool to contact PLP.
The Professional Liability Program assists members in avoiding dental-legal difficulties through presentations to dental students, societies and associations and articles and case studies posted on this website.
Frequently Asked Questions
Professional Liability Program staff often answer questions from members related to patient care, recordkeeping and dental-legal issues. Commonly-asked questions are answered on this site.
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If requesting proof of coverage for multiple dentists, a consent from is required from each.
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